CHICAGO (CBS) – Donald Trump traveled Wednesday to Mexico after accepting an invitation by President Enrique Pena Nieto of Mexico.
Not only did Trump’s visit to Mexico strike a chord with the native there, it also impacted the Mexican community in Chicago, CBS 2’s Derrick Blakley reports.
For Hispanic supports of Donald Trump, the GOP nominee’s visit to Mexico sent a powerful, welcome message.
“We have a leader who wants their support,” said Debra Gordils, Republican National Hispanic Assembly. “Wants their vote and wants to know more about the issues that affects them.”
Small business owners are usually the backbone of the Republican Party, but that is not the case for business owners of Little Village’s commercial strip on 26th Street.
When asked about Trump’s visit, Adolfo Pena, owner of Linda’s Shoes for the last 15 years, responded, “Not very much to be honest with you.”
“I think it’s a shame the Mexican president invites him after he spoke all the garbage about Mexican people,” Pena said. “I would have invited him, but to a different place. Hell, that’s where he belongs.”
Trump piñatas are a popular item at the party store in the strip mall.
Store owner, Jorge Herrera said he is insulted with what Trump had to say about Mexicans.
“I don’t think I am like that,” Herrera said.
Herrera owns two ‘Ok Corral’ western wear stores. He said Trump does not recognize the hard work of immigrants. He is not a supporter of Trump.
“He’s not changing his mind,” Herrera said. “I’m not.”
Some political analysts believe Trump’s softening of his positions on building a wall and deporting the undocumented is not aimed at Hispanics at all. The target, they believe, is suburban republicans and independents, who have been turned off by Trump’s harsh rhetoric on immigration.
In Pilsen, one of Chicago’s Mexican-American communities, CBS 2’s Sandra Torres received responses from residents.
A group of local activists spoke out against Donald Trump’s meeting with President Enrique Pena Nieto in Mexico.
“I think its a disgrace for the Mexican government to invite Donald Trump,” said Carlos Arango, Alliance for Immigrant Rights.
They are against the visit and the candidate for derogatory comments he made about its people on the campaign trail.
“Its absolutely outrageous,” said Jorge Mujica, local activist. “I don’t think Trump has anything to do in Mexico right now.”
The Mexican president has disrespected his country and the immigrant community who live in the United States, Arango said.
The group of local activists will be closely watching Trump’s Speech about his immigration plan. They also have a protest planned for Oct. 12 at Trump Tower.
After word about his visit, former president Vicente Fox Quesada took to Twitter with his thoughts.
Translation: “I told Trump ‘the fish dies by his own mouth’.”
Translation: “There’s no turning back, Trump, your offenses towards Mexicans, Muslims and more, have taken you to the hole where you are today. Good bye Trump!”
Translation: “Mexico doesn’t want Trump. Mexico will never trust in him. We will not permit him to use our Country for his own interests.”
Quesada also said, Trump is not welcome in Mexico, not by me nor the 130 million Mexicans.
In response to Quesada, Trump also took to Twitter.
In the end, Quesada asked Trump to show some respect.